APP-1 S-1: "Why spend time and money on high performance?"
About APP-1 S-1
This is a seminar and the introduction to APP-1: "Get inspired by the possibilities of high performance IT systems".
"What are the objectives?"
The objectives are to create a basic understanding of the opportunities that arise from a strong focus on system performance.
"Who should attend the seminar?"
The seminar is recommended to everybody involved in any aspect of performance of a planned software product.
Performance requirements are typical cases of business decisions! Management on product- and business level are therefore particularly recommended to attend.
The seminar in APP-1 S-1: "Speak system performance!" takes one day.
The training can also be held as two half-day sessions to fit in with other activities.
System performance issues are in many cases company confidential information.
The seminar APP-1 S-1: "Why spend time and money on high performance?" is therefore available in two alternatives:
"1. As scheduled seminar"
Scheduled training is open to participants from any company.
Scheduled training is held at Softwell Performance's premises in Kista, Sweden.
Contact us for our scheduled training.
"2. As company-reserved seminar"
Company-reserved training is only open to participants assigned by the customer.
Company-reserved training is only held at customer's premises.
Contact us for details about company-reserved training.
"Seminar costs"
Contact us for details.
What topics are covered?
Here are a few of the covered topics:
Can excellent performance can make your product or service more competitive?
Can excellent performance can bring more business opportunities for a product?
Can excellent performance can generate more profits for a product?
Can excellent performance can extend the life cycle of a product.
Can excellent performance can reduce maintenance costs of a product.