APP-5 S-2: "Create an efficient plan for high performance"
About APP-5 S-2
This is a coaching service that will deliver a plan for a products with high system performance. The service is based on the training in APP-5 S-1: "Understand plans for high performance"
"What are the objectives?"
The objectives of APP-5 S-2 are to set up a plan for a product with high system performance requirements. The plan should include identification of performance requirements that could have an impact on costs or time and provide efficient solutions to these issues. The plan should also include an efficient QA process.
"Who should use the coaching?"
Everybody who will be involved in performance issues are recommended to attended the training.
System performance requirements are business decisions!
Management on business level are therefore particularly recommended to attend.
"Any prerequisites?"
The service is only open to companies with participants who have attended APP-5 S-1: "Understand plans for high performance"
System performance issues are in many cases company confidential information.
The APP-5 S-2: "Create an efficient plan for high performance" is therefore only available as a company-reserved service held at customer's premises or at Softwell Performance's premises.
Contact us for more details.
"Coaching costs"
Contact us for more details.
Contact us for more details.
What topics are covered?
Here are a few of the topics covered:
Translation of performance requirements to developmant requirements
What is resource budgeting?
What system performance reqirements are critical and how shall they be detected.
Planning for QA of high performance requirements.
Required test cases for QA of high performance requirements.
Planning for QA of high performance requirements in continuous delivery projects.