CPP Case 2: "Create a plan for a product with high performance"
About CPP Case 2
Figure B-20: CPP Case 2: Create a plan for a product with high performance.
This Customized Performance Package (CPP) contains a selected set of nine services to meet a well defined target.
In CPP Case 2: "Create a plan for a product with high performance" the target is to provide "All you need to get a proven plan for a winning product with high performance!"
What are the objectives?
The objectives of CPP Case 2 are to develop and deliver a complete plan for high performance of a new product or service during the product's planning phase.
What services are selected?
Figure B-21: CPP Case 2: The nine selected services.
The package CPP Case 2 contains all services required to take your product from a performance vision to a performance implementation plan.
APP 2 S 1: "Understand visions for high performance systems".
This is a training class in how visions for high performance systems work and affect your company's image and business.
Read more about APP 2 S 1: "Understand visions for high performance systems".
APP 2 S 2: "Create a vision of more business with high performance"
This is a coaching service in which we explore and establish winning visions for high system performance in your products or services and the impact on your business and company image.
The activities include what can be achieved by high performance in terms of competitive advantages, new markets opportunities, increased sales, increased profit levels, and more.
Read more about APP 2 S 2: "Create a vision of more business with high performance".
APP 3 S 1: "Understand strategies for high performance"
This is a training class in how strategies for high performance systems work and affect your company's image and business.
Read more about APP 3 S 1: "Understand strategies for high performance".
APP 3 S 2: "Create winning strategies for high performance".
A performance vision has to be accompanied by strategies for what shall be achieved with a performance vision.
This is a coaching service where we establish the winning strategies for your products with your vision of high performance.
The winning strategies include the impact on company profile, competitive advantages, new markets opportunities, improved sales, improved profit levels etc.
Read more about APP 3 S 2: "Create winning strategies for high performance".
APP 4 S 1: "Understand performance requirements"
This is a course in performance requirements, how they are are specified, what must be included, and how they work.
Read more about APP 4 S 1: "Understand performance requirements"
APP 4 S 2: "Specify winning high performance requirements"
This is a coaching service where we create the performance requirements for your products or services based on your winning visions and strategies for high performance.
Read more about APP 4 S 2: "Specify winning high performance requirements"
APP 5 S 1: "Understand plans for high performance"
This is a course in how to set up an implementation plan for high performance requirements.
Read more about APP 5 S 1: "Understand plans for high performance"
APP 5 S 2: "Create an efficient plan for high performance"
This is a coaching service where we create an efficient implementation plan for your products with high performance requirements.
Read more about APP 5 S 2: "Create an efficient plan for high performance"
APP 9 S 1: "Rent a test tool on very favorable terms"
The service provides access to the MBC performance test tool as rental service.