APP-11 S-3: "Select MBC test tool product support"
About APP-11 S-3
This is the MBC performance test tool product support service.
Why is this important?
Access to a capable performance measurement tool is a must in every QA process of system performance requirements. Access to the test tool itself is, however, not enough. Equally important is access to a competent and fast product support service, when problems arise.
Do you want information about our performance test tool MBC?
Read about MBC solutions.
What are the objectives?
The objectives of APP-11 S-3 are to are to ensure smooth working MBC systems that deliver high quality performance measurements.
Here we discuss the following frequently asked questions:
MBC Product Support includes:
MBC Software Releases and release numbering
MBC Software Support is distributed in four types of releases:
MBC release numbering
MBC software releases have a release number with three positions (A.B.C).
MBC software release numbering.
MBC software releases have a release number with three positions (A.B.C).
A-releases are identified by a new consecutive number in the A-position (A.0.0) followed by zeroes to the right.
B-releases are identified by a new consecutive number in the B-position (n.B.0) followed by a zero to the right.
C-releases are identified by a new consecutive number in the C-position (n.n.C).
A-releases or Generation releases
An A-release or a Generation release is a major rewrite of the MBC software to provide:
Compliance with new standards.
Support of new functionality.
Major improvements of performance or other assets.
Generation releases are published to enable new performance test applications.
Generation releases undergo extensive Quality Assurance procedures before delivery.
A-releases are scheduled software releases.
B-releases or Major Maintenance releases
Maintenance releases are updates and corrections of existing functionality of software products.
A B-release or a Major Maintenance release is an update of the MBC software to provide:
Additions to existing functionality.
Enhancements of existing functionality.
Improvements of performance.
Corrections of existing functionality that were not included in the previous release.
B-releases undergo regression testing and other Quality Assurance procedures before delivery.
B-releases are scheduled software releases.
C-releases or Minor Maintenance releases
A C-release or a Minor Maintenance release is an update of the MBC software to provide:
Corrections of existing functionality.
Minor enhancements of existing functionality.
C-releases undergo regression testing before delivery.
C-releases are scheduled software releases.
MBC Hot Fix releases
A Hot-Fix release is a limited distribution of a solution to a Trouble Report with severity urgent (Hot) reported by a customer.
An urgent (Hot) problem is by definition a problem that blocks further performance testing.
Hot problem reports are, after verification by MBC Product Support, given the highest priority and continuously monitored and progress reported to the customer until resolved.
Hot-fix releases are delivered on “as-soon-as-possible” terms, i.e. with a limited quality assurance to enable fast delivery time in a mission critical situation.
Hot-fix releases are customer specific and due to limited Quality Assurance never released for general availability.
MBC Product Documentation
MBC Product Documentation is included in all MBC system deliveries.
All documents are published in pdf format on the MBC WEB Desk Product Support system for download.
The documentation includes:
MBC Product manuals
MBC Product manuals provide all types of information about MBC products.
MBC products are covered by up to five types of manuals:
Concept manuals.
User Guide manuals.
Application Guide manuals.
Specialist Guide manuals.
Reference manuals.
New versions of MBC Product manuals are published together with new releases of MBC.
Generation releases undergo extensive Quality Assurance procedures before delivery.
The following manual update scheme applies:
A-releases: Manuals for changed or added products are new or rewritten .
B-releases: Manuals for changed products are updated.
C-releases: Manuals for changed products are updated.
Hot-Fixes: Manuals arenot updated.
MBC Software Release notes
MBC Software Release notes are delivered together with A-, B-, and C-releases.
MBC Software Release notes provide the following information about a new software release:
New functionality.
Improvements or enhancements of existing functionality.
Corrected Trouble Reports.
Other improvements or enhancements in a software release.
Status of MBC Documentation.
MBC WEB Desk Product Support
MBC WEB Desk is an Internet based service for MBC support available 24 hours per day that provides:
Reporting services
MBC WEB Desk provides four types of report services:
All involved parties are instantly informed by e-mail about new reports and changes to old reports.
Trouble Reports
Trouble Reports are notifications of suspected bugs or errors in the reported product.
Trouble Reports are assigned a severity by the reporter indicating how critical it is to the user and generally.
Trouble Reports are assigned a priority by SoftWell indicating how fast it will be resolved and in which release.
Critical reports are handled as Hot issues and delivered as Hot Fix releases with highest priority.
Change Requests
Change Requests are suggestions for improvments or new funtionality in the reported product.
Change Requests are evaluated by SoftWell and, if accepted, assigned a planned release.
Change Request is an open door to our cutomers to influence product development.
Action Points
Action Points are notifications of suspected MBC Hardware problems, or desired changes on an installed MBC system.
Action Points on suspected MBC Hardware problems are automatically assigned highest priority and, if verified, reported to the MBC Harware vendor for action.
Action Points on desired changes to an installed MBC system are planned and scheduled before implementation.
User Queries
User Queries is a WEB based service for product and user support on technical issues.
We recommend User Queries for questions about all technical issues, since the Queries will over time create a valuable FAQ for new users of MBC at a customer site.
Access to software releases
New MBC Software releases (with installation instructions) are published on the MBC WEB Desk system for download.
Users are also informed about availability of new releases by e-mail.
Access to MBC documentation
New MBC Software releases, A-, B-, or C-releases, are accompanied by new or updated manuals and Release Notes.
Read more about MBC documentation here.
Hot Fix information about critical issues
Hot Fix information about critical issues that have been resolved in Hot Fix releases and will be generally available in scheduled releases.
Hot Fix information usually include some kind of work-around information until the fix is available.
Information about MBC applications
MBC application information is a library of MBC test descriptions that grows with new MBC performance test applications and new ways of applying MBC in current performance tests.
Information about planned MBC releases
MBC Release information about new features and functions in coming releases.
MBC Release information also include planned release dates.
MBC Hardware Support
In some cases MBC systems are delivered with hardware.
Three years of MBC hardware support is included in the support fee, if an MBC delivery includes a hardware system.
The standard support agreement provides on-site support within 8 business hours during weekdays.
More rapid on-site support or support during weekends, or holidays can be delivered at an extra cost.
MBC Support packages
MBC User Support is together with MBC Product Support available in two types of packages: