APP-11 S-2: "Select MBC test tool user support"
About APP-11 S-2
This is an MBC test tool user support service to assists customers in the use of MBC systems.
Why is this important?
Access to a capable performance measurement tool is a must in every QA process of system performance requirements. Access to the test tool is, however, not enough. Equally important is access to a competent and fast support service, when user problems arise.
Do you want information about our performance test tool MBC?
Read about MBC solutions.
What are the objectives?
The objectives of APP-11 S-2 are to assists customers in the use of MBC systems to obtain maximum value with minimum time delay. This is especially the case for beginners.
Here we discuss the following frequently asked questions:
MBC Call Desk User Support
MBC Call Desk is a dial-in service for all registered MBC users.
It provides assistance on:
How to use MBC systems and how to resolve technical issues.
Identification of technical problems and how to file a related Trouble Report.
Identification of a new issue and how to file a related Change Request.
MBC Call Desk is available on all business days from 08:00 until 20:00 CET on a dedicated phone number.
MBC Call Desk services on other hours can be provided as an extended service.
MBC WEB Desk User Support
MBC WEB Desk is an Internet based service available 24 hours per day for all registered MBC users:
MBC WEB Desk is:
The input media for all user reports about the MBC product.
The input media for all user questions about MBC.
The output for all information about MBC.
MBC Support packages
MBC User Support is together with MBC Product Support available in two packages: